Learn my C.R.A.Z.Y Copy System and become a HIGHLY-PAID in-demand Copywriter!


Gets you "up close and personal" with CLIENTS! 

 Celine H.

Carline HELPS you create winners!

Shawn P.

$2,500 FREE gift

Get my entire Copywriting Bootcamp on Steroids seminar – absolutely FREE – when you sign up for the C.R.A.Z.Y Copy System Live Mentoring Rerun Show!

I’ve digitalized these DVDs so you can watch these live recordings on your tablet, computer or phone!

join NOW!

Carline Anglade-Cole's 
C.R.A.Z.Y Copy System Live Mentoring Rerun Show

GOLD Membership:

(4) 2-hour consultations $20,000
Copy critiques $5,000
Total Monthly Value
Your cost for Rerun shows:


Limited Time Offer!
Your membership includes:
ACCESS to copywriting GOLD every Thursday – I HELP you become a stronger writer! 

I help you understand the nuances that will take you from a so-so copywriter to a serious kick-butt copywriter who demands the high paychecks! 

You get to see how to craft a killer sales letter my C.R.A.Z.Y system... take your copy from mediocre to sizzlin' hot... and watch ideas germinate into a WINNING promo! 

And much more!
  • A new rerun recording will be released every Thursday! – (valued at $20,000 per month!)
That’s 8 hours a month of intensive mentoring! You have NO CHOICE BUT TO SUCCEED with this type of targeted mentoring! I’m going to push you and take you out of your comfort zone – and SHOW you how to write kick-butt copy!
  • Opportunity to LOOK OVER MY SHOULDERS and SEE my real projects as I work on them!
I show you how I write kick-butt copy. And when I need a little help with writing bullets or sidebars – see how gold members use my system to create that copy for me! Watch to discover what you can learn!
  • Breakdown of my C.R.A.Z.Y Copy System!
C.R.A.Z.Y is an acronym for CONTENT… RESULT… ACTION… ZANY… and YES! It’s my personal system I use when I write my copy to get kick-butt controls! 

And I’m going to TEACH you how to use it! I promise you’ll SEE a difference in your writing skills within the first week you use C.R.A.Z.Y – and you’ll get better and better as you keep using it!
  • ACCESS to dozens of Copy Critiques – (valued at $5,000 plus royalty each!)
Imagine working on a project – and you KNOW you can say, “Hey Carline – what do you think about this headline? Or this lead? That's what members of the live show experienced. And now – YOU get ACCESS to these kick-butt copy critiques! 

Yep – you'll see how crits from an A-Level Writer makes copy stronger for your OWN projects! And can make a tremendous, POSITIVE impact on your income! 
And if you don’t have any copy right now – no problem! You’ll STILL get killer tips by watching how I tweak copy! And you can watch the recording anytime!
  • Behind the scenes ACCESS!
You get to see the real copywriting biz in action... see how copy is created... and hear from A-level graphic designers who tell you how to work with them so you can get a winner!  
  • ACCESS to weekly LIVE conversations!
No canned conversations or pre-written scripts or lectures on copywriting. You will see how candidly we talk about issues copywriters are face! Because generally speaking – if you’re struggling with a problem – so are other people! 

So I pull up real copy that I’ve worked on and I dissect it to show you what makes it work. It’s a working session on copy. But more importantly it’s a working session to get YOUR copy up to speed! 
  • ACCESS to the weekly Q&A!
You get to see how I answer questions from members of the live show on what's needed to become a better writer!  See if you can relate! Maybe it’s how to get a client… or how to strengthen your back end copy… or overcoming your fears!
  • ACCESS to past Live Mentoring Shows!
Can’t make a rerun show? No problem! All live shows are recorded - and you get INSTANT access to the ENTIRE season 1 right now! That means you can watch previous shows at your convenience and continue learning ANYTIME! You have 24/7 access to these shows! How cool is that?
  •  ACCESS to copywriting GOLD by industry leaders!
From researchers to designers – I'm sharing my rolodex of direct-response VIPs! You get ACCESS to their stellar advice! I'm talking marketing giants like... 

A-list copywriter and mentor Marcella Allison or... funnel expert and entrepreneur Justin Goff or... the hugely successful ghostwriter and editor Laura Gale... or copy expert and legendary Clayton Makepeace’s right-hand woman – Wendy Makepeace to name a few!
  • And many more upcoming surprises and FUN projects!
New rerun episode released every Thursday!

Kick-butt copy critiques!

Doug P.

Shows you how to write stronger copy!

Jonathan F.

Carline skyrockets your career!

Andrew T.

You get all this when you join my C.R.A.Z.Y Copy System Live Mentoring Rerun Show!*
You get my entire Copywriting Bootcamp on Steroids seminar – a $2,500 value – yours absolutely FREE!

Back in 2008 – I met behind closed doors with 25 writers to share with them my closely guarded secrets that made me a Million-Dollar Copywriter!

We worked non-stop for 2 ½ days – breaking down the elements for a successful sales promo. Many of the attendees became A-Level copywriters raking in royalties and 6-figure incomes!

While I recorded the entire seminar – I NEVER made it available for purchase. And it’s still not available to purchase! But…

...YOU can get this prized treasure trove RIGHT NOW – absolutely FREE – when you sign up for the C.R.A.Z.Y Copy System Live Mentoring Rerun Show!
GREAT gift for newbies!
If you’re just getting started – you can study these sessions – and PRACTICE what you learn. 

Then – when you watch the C.R.A.Z.Y Copy System Live Mentoring RERUN Show – you can build on your newfound knowledge!
AMAZING gift for experienced writers too!
Copywriting Bootcamp on Steroids seminar is also an AWESOME refresher course for seasoned writers! If you’re stuck on a lead or headline or nailing that close – you can go exactly where you need to and find your answers! 

The folks who attended this seminar paid a whopping $2,500 for a seat. And many said the seminar was worth TEN TIMES that amount! But it’s yours FREE when you sign up for my C.R.A.Z.Y Copy System Live Mentoring Show!

And you get this amazing gift with your GOLD membership!

This seminar is a perfect complement to the C.R.A.Z.Y Copy System Live Mentoring Rerun Show. So I want each and every one of you to claim your gift – worth $2,500 – today!

Here’s what C.R.A.Z.Y members have to say...

Nothing like it! - Darryl Q.

ACCESS to a real deal copywriter! - Greg J.

Carline is like an NBA MVP teaching you how to dribble! - Ja’Shon B.

You get kick-butt copy critiques! - Doug P.

I wanted the GOLD and now I shine like it...

“I had no money and certainly not enough to sign-up for another copy “program.” But I did it anyway because I believed Carline’s C.R.A.Z.Y Copy System would make me a desired copywriter. I got a call from a potential client last week and another call an hour ago! I have what they want – and it’s all because of CRAZY Carline!
- Cynthia S.

“0 BS and 100% awesomeness!”

Carline’s C.R.A.Z.Y Copy System Live Mentoring Show “is one of these rare programs with 0 BS and 100% awesomeness! THREE times more expensive memberships aren’t THIS good!"
-Greg J.

Pure GOLD!

“There is an amazing amount of value in the weekly mentoring shows. Carline just pours pure GOLD into the shows. I am stunned just how much VALUE there is. Definitely overdelivering!”
- Nadeem C.

Carline, I give you a score of 100%

“I like seeing the examples and having you walk through them with us is great! When my advertorial kicks butt - I will come back with a 120% score ha ha ;-)”
- Karen N.

So CRAZY helpful!

I’m so glad I signed up for the gold member session! This is awesome! Lots of amazing info.
- Cheryl B.

It’s 3AM – but totally worth it!

“I’ve NEVER had my copy critiqued before. This is honestly awesome! And I’m so happy there’s a replay area. I’ll be studying this critique thoroughly. I’m LOVING this!
- Anton R.

Awesome mentor!

Carline tears apart copy… and turns it into GOLD right in front of my eyes! I’m so excited to be learning from the BEST of the best!
-Ramune B.

© Carline Anglade-Cole. All Rights Reserved.

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